
  • Isotopes
  • Atomic Mass

Sample Learning Goals

  • Define “isotope” using mass number, atomic number, number of protons, neutrons and electrons.
  • Given information about an element, find the mass and name of an isotope.
  • Give evidence to support or dispute: “In nature, the chance of finding one isotope of an element is the same for all isotopes.”
  • Find the average atomic mass of an element given the abundance and mass of its isotopes.
  • Predict how the mass and name of an isotope will change given a change in the number of protons, neutrons or electrons.
  • Predict how the average atomic mass of an element changes given a change in the abundance of its isotopes.

System Requirements

HTML5 simulations can run on iPads, Chromebooks, PC, Mac, and Linux systems.
See full HTML5 system requirements

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